Architectural Review

Green Oaks is a community where diverse interests intermingle creating a need for a forum in which various site developments can be evaluated for their impact and harmony with others.
The Green Oaks Design Standards, pertaining to all site and building development, have been adopted to help maintain, preserve, enhance, and protect the property values and assets of the community. The standards provide a basis for consistent evaluation of proposed projects while respecting and allowing for individual freedom of expression. They should be used as a tool to assist architects, builders, engineers, and homeowners in the design and construction of any exterior alterations or additions.
The Green Oaks Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is comprised of hard-working homeowner volunteers. The ARC must approve all updates and changes to homes and landscaping. Requests should be submitted in writing to the ARC 30 days prior to work starting, using the ARC Project submittal form found below in "Action Steps". Owners are not contacted during the review process unless additional information is needed.
Handy Tips
Here are a few handy tips for submitting your request to Green Oaks' ARC:
- Paint requests should include paint samples, and specifications, and photos of existing surfaces to be painted and proposed colors painted on the side of the house.
- Landscaping requests should include detailed plans depicting the project area in relation to the exisiting home and property lines and a description of any trees, plants, grasses, landscaping material and any hardscapes to be added or removed.
- Home additions, decks, and patios must include plans, materials, and colors.
- If the request involves fencing or work close to property lines, a survey showing the property line should be included with the request.
- When necessary, county/city approvals should also be included with the request.
- If the request involves changes to measurable square footage of the home, it must be approved by the Board and neighbors must be notified.
The ARC will advise the homeowner whether the project has been approved, approved with conditions, or denied. The approval expires after a period of six months whereupon the homeowner would have to reapply. Once the project is complete the owner must advise the ARC and the file will be closed.
Action Steps
- Please review the attached Green Oaks Design Standards before planning your enhancements.
- Please review any other relevant Green Oaks HOA documents (governance, bylaws, etc) which can be found in the HOA Documents tab on this website.
- Then, at least 30 days before work starts, complete the ARC Request Form. Here are the steps to complete the form:
- Save the form to your desktop.
- Go to the desktop copy and complete the form. Save it as Last name/Projectname/date (EX:JonesRoofMay2025).
- Submit the form with supporting materials to
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